Professor Yi Jiming from Peking University graced the Law School of Nanchang University with his presence, delivering an academic lecture titled "The Dynamic of International Intellectual Property Rights and Sino-American Relations"
On the evening of October 19, 2023, Professor Yi Jiming, the Director of the International Intellectual Property Research Center at Peking University, Professor at the Law School, and Doctoral Supervisor, visited the Law School of Nanchang University to deliver an academic lecture titled "International Intellectual Property Dynamics and Sino-US Relations." This lecture, hosted by the Law School of Nanchang University, was attended by Yang Feng, the Dean of the Law School, Lan Shourong, the Director of the Professors Committee at the Law School, Associate Professor Zhang Endian, and more than a hundred faculty and students.
Prior to the start of the lecture, Dean Yang Feng delivered a speech, introducing Professor Yi Jiming's achievements in academic activities, talent cultivation, and research projects and warmly welcoming his visit.
Professor Yi Jiming began his specialized lecture by using the example of Jiangxi Yijiahe Honey Orange to discuss the protection of agricultural products through national geographical indications and trademarks. His lecture was divided into four parts. In the first part, Professor Yi Jiming discussed "pan-intellectual property competition" and "anti-globalization," addressing the issue of intellectual property abuse as a private right and introducing standard essential patent policies in major countries or regions worldwide. Professor Yi believes that the overall trend of global standard essential patent policies is intensified competition and administrative participation. Regarding China's response to global standard essential patents, he believes that "pan-intellectual property competition" has become a new trend, differentiating individuals and talents, while "anti-globalization" is unraveling the existing international order.
Moving on to the second part of the lecture, Professor Yi engaged in a discussion on "anti-globalization" and the transformation of the intellectual property governance system. Guided by globalization and the TRIPS Agreement as the main path, he elaborated on five aspects: from economic globalization to political globalization, global health governance heading towards rule-based approaches, diversified forces participating in global governance, and international competition increasingly relying on high technology.
In the third part, Professor Yi expressed his views on global governance of intellectual property and its rational return. He pointed out that the pandemic has highlighted the international game regarding intellectual property. The instrumentalist view of intellectual property will continue to prevail, and the international intellectual property system is returning to rationality.
In the fourth part, Professor Yi proposed that the focus of major power competitions should shift to the security issues of national intellectual property. He emphasized the importance of recognizing the impact of high technology on the economy and society, and promoting the improvement and modernization of the global intellectual property governance system through technological strength, strengthening international cooperation in intellectual property.
Finally, Dean Yang Feng expressed his own views on Professor Yi Jiming's lecture. He pointed out that the future prospects of the intellectual property discipline are promising, and he hopes that each student will study intellectual property law diligently. The "International Intellectual Property Dynamics and Sino-US Relations" academic lecture was a complete success!